Take whatever precaution you can to keep your automobile from being stolen because auto thefts are on the rise. Consider installing a kill switch in your car as a precautionary measure. These straightforward tools prevent your automobile from being stolen out from beneath you. To stop automobile theft, what kind of kill switch should you install?
The five different types of kill switches are discussed in this article so you may choose the one that suits you the best. We also consider the overall cost you should anticipate.
What does a kill switch for cars
You will have a hard time deciding between these five varieties if you don't know what a kill switch for the automobile is. The vehicle cannot be started without depressing the kill switch. A certain circuit won't be finished if it isn't turned on.
The technology may be used in a variety of ways, but they all include switches in some manner. The kill switch should be concealed so that others are unaware of its location. If they are aware that your car has a kill switch, they won't have any problem starting it. Several levels of installation and operation are required for the various kill switch kinds.
types of kill switches
Installing a fuel system relay switch will stop fuel from reaching the engine. Moreover, there is an easy-to-use battery disconnect switch. Instead, you might pick a death switch for the fuse box, an ignition wire kill switch, or the remote automobile battery switch.
The several kinds of kill switches you may install in your vehicle are listed in further detail below:
1. Fuel System Relay Switch
No gasoline may pass through the pipes to the engine until the fuel pump relay switch is turned on. The motor cannot be started if gasoline is not present. Surprisingly, the engine will still turn over, but there won't be any gas to turn it over. Hence, if a burglar breaks into your automobile, they will likely think there is a problem with it and leave.
You must first find the wire harness in your car before you can install the fuel system relay switch. The fuel switch relay wire must be split, and the kill switch must be placed in a handy spot. You may now proceed by running your wire to link the kill switch to the fuel switch relay.
2. Battery Disconnect Switch
To install the battery disconnect switch, you must unplug the negative connector and insert the switch in its place. The kill switch is now mounted on the battery post terminal, and the negative lead travels there. It simulates a dead battery by preventing the automobile from receiving any electricity when it is triggered. You can start the car normally once the switch has been turned, though.
You won't need to remove the hood every time you want to start the engine if you run a wire to put the switch inside the car. But, because the battery stores memory, your clock and radio presets will reset each time you use it.
3. Auto Battery Remote Switch
This remote-controlled kind is an additional battery-installed type. The remote may be kept with your keys for convenient access. This feature is fantastic since you may use it even while you're not in your car if you ever feel uneasy about shady conduct.
The battery is where this switch is put, much as the wired version. The switch uses magnets to enable battery consumption when you want to drive and disable it when you want to safeguard your automobile. Unfortunately, you will have the same memory problems as were seen with the previous battery choice.4. Ignition Wire Kill Switch
There is no way to start an automobile without a functioning ignition system. By putting a gap in the wiring, this switch allows you to stop the flow of ignition. In order to install it, you must cut the ignition wire and install connectors on either side of the switch. The switch itself can be placed in a hidden location within the car's cabin, out of sight.
But, this device's installation is a bit more challenging. The diagram in your service handbook is something you should refer to if you are unfamiliar with your ignition system. You must cut the proper wire, and for a better fit, you could also opt to solder the connection.5. Kill switch in the fuse box
While this kill switch will prevent electricity from reaching the automobile, the battery is not completely disconnected. In its place, electricity is cut off at the fuse box. Of course, you could merely remove the ignition fuse before leaving the car and replace it when you're ready to start the engine. But if the fuse box is in a difficult spot, this procedure could start to frustrate you.
Installing a switch that disables the exact fuses of your choice is significantly simpler. After connecting the switch to the necessary fuses, you install it in a discrete spot.Kill Switch Cost
The installation and part prices for a kill switch typically range from $10 to $100. But, this cost varies according to the kind you select, the make and model of your car, and whether you install it yourself or hire a specialist.
The kill switch is a no-brainer when you consider how inexpensive it is, especially if you reside or work in a region where auto theft is a problem. For less than $100, you can prevent your car from being stolen, which is not only inconvenient but also cause a sharp increase in your insurance premiums. The automobile kill switch, which doesn't generate as many false alarms as vehicle alarms do, is undoubtedly preferable to putting one of those heavy steering wheel locks.
You may significantly lower the likelihood that your car will be stolen by strategically placing a kill switch inside or outside of it. If you have some basic knowledge of car electrical systems, installing a kill switch may typically be done at a reasonable price.
While no security measure is infallible, the additional layer of protection offered by a car kill switch might help you feel more at ease while leaving your vehicle alone or parked in high-crime areas. The complexity of installing one is really a very good time investment when contrasted to how much less probable it is that your car would be stolen.